Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I know it's been so long. and maybe i'm just talking to myself all this while, thinking maybe i could get famous by drawing some pictures and posting it on blogger. and i wanted to keep doing it until i die of blogging. but this world is so mean. It completely suck me off my time like a flea sucking my dog's blood. =(

Well. it's disgusting. That's how disgusting this time sucking world has become. >:(

It's not that I'm a very productive guy spending my time studying and trying to find out the mysteries of the universe. Most of the time spent is on chasing pink unicorns in a rubbish bin. 

i love unicorns. cause the are mystical. and they are popular with girls.

And thus i have come up with a solution. I will do short posts. Well i don't even know if i can keep up with short posts. Haha.