Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Reasons to stay FAT.

Everybody says being fat is no good at all. But I do not think so. Here's why.

1. You get extra food.

2. it's more worth it if you're buying cloths.

yes. but different amount of material. You get more material when you buy BIG SIZES.
Definitely more worth it.

3. it's easy to be the top of the food chain.

Well, how do I put this? You see, thin people are very good in their fashion. But fat people isn't. They just grab whatever fits them (not many choices) and put it on and goes out. So, being a stylish fat man, you get to be top of food chain (fashion wise). Another plus point. Nobody would judge you if your fashion sense went wrong. They'd just say 'Nah it looks weird because they're fat. '

4. It's maintenance free.

If you want to be slim, you need to do

BUT, to be fat, just

notice he looks super happy in this pic. =)

5. You get to skip lots of unwanted, impossible exercises.

Well, being fat isn't that bad now is it?
So, get your ass up and start EATING!!!

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